import React from 'react' import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@/components/ui/card" import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button" import { FileCode, Paintbrush, Mail, Phone, Github } from 'lucide-react' const Portfolio = () => { const services = [ { icon: , title: "Web Development and Design", description: "Website design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript" }, { icon: , title: "Graphic Design", description: "Logo design, Canva" } ] const projects = [ { title: "Basic Editor", description: "A basic text editor in which you can add the text and edit them easily.", tech: ["React", "JavaScript", "CSS"] } ] return (
{/* Hero Section */}

Ishan Kumar

College Student & Pursuing BSc.IT from Cimage College

{/* Services Section */}


{, index) => (
{service.icon} {service.title}


{/* Projects Section */}


{, index) => ( {project.title}


{, i) => ( {tech} ))}
{/* Contact Section */}

Contact Me

{/* Footer */}
) } export default Portfolio